Teal the Field All Teal the Field shirts ordered at HES will be available for pick up tonight at games beginning at 4:45. If you are unable to pick up they will be sent home when school resumes.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Jo Johnson
Teal the Field 2020 Shirts
The JH football game scheduled for tomorrow 9/29 vs. Knox Co has been cancelled due to Covid concerns. A diligent effort was put out to try and find a replacement team but none was found!! This game will not be rescheduled!!
almost 4 years ago, Highland AD
Parents/Guardians: Meal deliveries will begin tomorrow afternoon. We will deliver a late lunch & next day’s breakfast each day. Buses will leave from school at 2:30pm. Drivers will be contacting with approximate times tonight or tomorrow morning.
almost 4 years ago, John French
A third grade science lesson and homework has been assigned in Google classroom for Monday. I have also posted a science game, and book that they can do for fun. I will be having a Google meet at 10 for any questions that the students may have.
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. Phillips
Good morning HES families, Please see the link below for guidance regarding distance learning at HES starting today (9/28) for the next two weeks. http://bit.ly/HESDistanceLearning
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Post - HES Principal
Good Morning! Jr.High and High School Parents. Please see the link below for guidance on distance learning for the next 2 weeks. http://bit.ly/HHSDistanceLearning
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Rossmiller- HHS Principal
Good Evening Jr.High and High School Parents. Please see the link below for guidance on distance learning for the next 2 weeks. http://bit.ly/HHSDistanceLearning
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Rossmiller- HHS Principal
Good evening HES families, Please see the link below for guidance regarding distance learning at HES for the next two weeks. http://bit.ly/HESDistanceLearning
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Post - HES Principal
The JV football game scheduled for tomorrow vs. Louisiana is cancelled!!
almost 4 years ago, Highland AD
The JH softball scheduled for Monday Sept 28 has been cancelled due to Covid concerns.
almost 4 years ago, Highland AD
ATTENTION ALL KINDERGARTEN & 1ST GRADE FAMILIES! On Monday (9/28) HES will be distributing distance learning "Go Bags" for all Kindergarten & 1st graders in a drive thru style. K-1 Parents/Guardians are encouraged to find a time during the following schedule to drive by the HES main entrance & pick up their student's Go Bag. Morning - 8:30-10:00 Afternoon - 3:00-4:30 Evening - 6:00-7:30 If you're unable to pick up your student's Go Bag during these times contact the HES office at (573)209-3586 on Monday (from 8:00-3:30) or your student's teacher to let us know. We'll work with you to set up an alternate time for pick up. Hope to see you Monday!
almost 4 years ago, Highland Elementary
Parents/Guardians: Apologies as a post was attempted much earlier today, but apparently did not go through. Please read the following letter: https://bit.ly/2RZnQ0b to learn about the District's move to Distance Learning.
almost 4 years ago, John French
Parents/Guardians: With the Distance Learning model being implemented for at least the next two weeks, Highland will again begin delivering FREE meals to children 18 & under during the closure. Please complete this survey: https://forms.gle/EGDvSbZ72uXGF1it8 to get enrolled!
almost 4 years ago, John French
Image of Free meals for kids during Distance Learning implementation.
Girl's Varsity XC run at 8am and Boy's XC run at 8:30am. Streamed live here: https://youtu.be/6dkf_f7nqyw
almost 4 years ago, John French
For those that would like to see the Cross Country race in Columbia tomorrow (no spectators allowed), the race will be streamed live at https://youtu.be/6dkf_f7nqyw
almost 4 years ago, John French
Due to the Covid pandemic the Varsity football game scheduled for tonight at South Shelby is cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Highland AD
We have had some parents inquiring about the junior high and high school schedule. We are sharing this information for anyone who might find it helpful to use during virtual learning days. You can also find the schedules in our school handbook. HS SCHEDULE Homeroom - 7:45 - 8:09 Period 1 - 8:09 - 8:55 Period 2 - 8:59 - 9:45 Period 3 - 9:49 - 10:35 Period 4 - 10:39 - 11:25 Period 5 - 11:29 - 12:38 Period 6 - 12:42 - 1:28 Period 7 - 1:32 - 2:18 Period 8 - 2:22 - 3:09 JH SCHEDULE Homeroom - 7:45 - 8:13 Period 1 - 8:13 - 8:59 Period 2 - 9:03 - 9:49 Period 3 - 9:53 - 10:39 Period 4 - 10:43 - 11:52 Period 5 - 11:56 - 12:42 Period 6 - 12:46 - 1:32 Period 7 - 1:36 - 2:22 Period 8 - 2:26 - 3:13
almost 4 years ago, Alicia Favre
Here is a video on how to use Epic! Grades K-6: Online Books. This is a free service that allows students to read AR Books right on their device. Just watch the following video to learn how to use this service. http://videos.lewis.k12.mo.us/library/viewer;resource=%2FSTAFF%2520TRAININGS%2FEpic_Books_How_To_Video-WFpb3jiTI50.mp4
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Oenning
Good Morning I wanted to remind all Highschool and Jr. High students to check their google classrooms. Your teachers will be posting assignments and having class during your scheduled class time. You will receive a recorded video or participate live through a google meet. We are still having school today so again be sure to check your google classroom and email.
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Rossmiller- HHS Principal
Parents/Guardians: due to a very recent development, Highland Schools will be closed for “in-person” learning tomorrow while the district works through contact tracing of additional students and staff who will need to be quarantined. Highland students will not attend tomorrow, but will still be able to interact with their teachers and be involved in distance learning. The length of time that Highland will remain in The Distance-Learning model will be determined in the next day or two. Please look to google classroom for assignments and communication from teachers. K-1 students/parents will receive more information tomorrow. As of now, Outside athletics/activities will continue as scheduled for those that are not quarantined. More communication will be provided tomorrow.
almost 4 years ago, John French