Varsity Girls XC team gets 5th place at Palmyra - Kaycie Stahl (14th) sets a new personal best & Alexis Vaughn (20th) both medaled. JH: Rylee Hopkins (27th) improves her time by 40 seconds & Nathan Caudill finishes 3rd with almost a full minute improvement in time. #GoCougars!

Nathan Caudill is the JH boys Champion and the Lady Cougars XC Team win their home opener - Kaycie Stahl (2nd), Alexis Vaughn (3rd), Carlie Davis (5th), Macy Hamlin (12th), Morgan Patton (13th), and Elizabeth Frisbie (15th). VB - Gage Rudd (9th) & JHG - Rylee Hopkins (13th)

Highland Lady Cougars Varsity Softball had a good day at the Putnam County Tournament. They started the day with a 4-3 win vs Putnam Co., then lost to a very good Chillicothe team 1-11. In game 3, Highland defeated Putnam again 6-0. In the finale, Highland fell to Clark Co. 4-5.

The Varsity Softball game scheduled for tomorrow at Louisiana will start at 5:30pm. NO JV game will be played. GO COUGARS!!

Lady Cougars finish 2nd place in Centralia Tournament losing 2-0 vs Mexico in an exciting pitcher's duel

Highland JH Lady Cougars beat Centralia 9-1 to advance to the championship game vs Mexico. Lady Cougars play at 4:45. Go Cougars!!!

Marching Highlanders sounding great marching in the Lewistown Appreciation days parade helping to celebrate 150 years.

Highland JH Lady Cougars with an impressive 4-0 win against Troy South at the Centralia tournament. Next game at 1:15. Go Cougars! @_GoCougars_

Final Highland 36- Clark Co. 0. Cougars start the season 3-0!!!! GO COUGARS!!

After 3 quarters in Kahoka Highland leads Clark Co. 30-0 in varsity football action!! GO COUGARS!

At the half Highland leads Clark Co 16-0 in CCC Varsity Football action!! GO COUGARS!!

Today Mrs. Bainter’s kindergarten class ordered their numbers to 10 then played missing number game with a partner!

HHS was informed of 7th grader who rides bus 5 that tested positive for COVID and was at school on Tues-Thurs of this week. We need parents/guardians to monitor their children for symptoms, complete the Daily Wellness Checklist each day, and keep sick children home.

The JV Football game scheduled for Monday at Scotland County has been cancelled due to excessive quarantines at Scotland Co. The JV Football team will now play at HOME vs. North Shelby at 6pm on Monday. GO Cougars!! Availability of concessions will depend on whether there are enough volunteers to staff the concession stand.

BARK is one of our content filters that we use for our district to help keep our students safe. BARK regularly sends information and/or resources for us to share with our parents/guardians. Please take a look at this latest resource from BARK.
Childhood 2.0 - The Living Experiment https://www.childhood2movie.com/

JH Lady Cougars took the win in the Brown game as well with a win over Macon 13-8. Manda Jennings was the winning pitcher. Go Cougars!

Jr High Softball Gold team with a big win over Clark Co 15-0. Bailey Crist was 3-3 with two triples and a double to lead the Lady Cougars. Brown Team was also victorious 16-0.

HES had another positive student reported today - 3rd grader from Mrs. Phillip’s class and rode bus 21 on Tues and Wed. Parents/guardians please complete the daily wellness checklist every single day and keep sick ones home from school!!

Special thanks to Jack Crist & REC for use of the truck lift and Jack swapping camera systems between softball/baseball. Bad camera needs replaced, but the JH games vs Clark County will be streaming @ https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/highland-high-school-ewing-mo/gam2f1a4cedb8

Highland Jr-Sr High School Picture Day is: Thursday, September 16, 2021. You can order by going to Wagner Portrait Group online and using the password below. http://www.wagnerportraitgroup.com/ Online Pre-Order Password: 6E5U9W6
Only online orders will be accepted. Can’t order online or have other questions? Call Wagner at 314-567-5900 or 1-800-444-7986