Mrs. Phillips's class wants to thank Kathy Abell and Cathy Wiewel for sponsoring free books for the month of September and October!!!

Due to the possibility of rain later this evening the Varsity softball game vs. Palmyra will be played first at 5pm tonight followed by JV. Senior Night activities will take place between games.

HHS Drama Club is hard at work rehearsing for our fall play Trap! We are presenting this play at the Lewis Street Playhouse in Canton November 14th-17th!

HHS Drama Club is hard at work rehearsing for our fall play Trap! We are presenting this play at the Lewis Street Playhouse in Canton November 14th-17th!

Junior High Boys Basketball will start practice Monday October 14th after school in the High School Gym.

HES held the first PROMISE DAY LIVE digital assembly today. Mrs. Shrader's class hosted the inaugural event due to their 98+% Sept. attendance rate. WOW! Students & staff were recognized & played games broadcast around HES as we recommit to GIVING OUR BEST in Oct. #GoCougars

FAFSA Assistance Night is October 23 from 5-8 pm in the Paula Wallace Memorial Library. The 2020-21 FAFSA opened today!

The JH softball games against Knox Co have been rescheduled for Monday Oct 7 at 5pm at Knox Co.

HES Student of the Month Spotlight for October:
6th Grader - Trinity Clark
“Trinity is a student who works hard in the classroom, she always meets expectations, and is helpful to others. She is a great example for her classmates!” - 6th Grade Teachers

HES Student of the Month Spotlight for October:
5th Grader - Colin McReynolds
“Colin is a kind, helpful student who is always giving his best at H.E.S.!” - 5th Grade Teachers

HES Student of the Month Spotlight for October:
4th Grader Ethan Steinkamp
“Ethan always follows our expectations and puts forth excellent effort in class. We can always count on him to be a role model for his classmates.” - 4th Grade Teachers

HES Student of the Month Spotlight for October:
3rd Grader - Dallas Harper
“Dallas is very helpful in the classroom. We are impressed by his efforts to work and complete tasks. He is a positive student!” - 3rd Grade Teachers

HES Student of the Month Spotlight for October:
2nd Grader - Amy Savage
“Amy works hard everyday, she is helpful to other students, and she follows our school expectations. She is a great role model to other students.” - 2nd Grade Teachers

HES Student of the Month Spotlight for October:
1st Grader - Suny Wallace
“We can always count on Suny to follow expectations. He works hard in class to complete his work. He is also very kind and respectful to his teachers and his classmates!” - 1st Grade Teachers

HES Student of the Month Spotlight for October
Kindergartner - Noah Wassenhove Cramer
“Noah sets a good example for his classmates. He works hard and is kind to others!” - Kindergarten Teachers

Congratulations to our October Students of the Month: Front Row: Kindergartner Noah Wassenhove Cramer, 2nd Grader Amy Savage, 1st Grader, Suny Wallace Back Row: 4th Grader Ethan Steinkamp, 6th Grader Trinity Clark, 5th Grader Colin McReynolds, & 3rd Grader Dallas Harper

Tonight at HHS there will be a Beginning Band Night for all 6th grade students interested in joining band. At this event parents can find out all the necessary details involved with instrument rentals and or purchasing. You can also find out more info at BeginBandNow.com

Congratulations to our 2019 Homecoming king JT McDermott and queen Kenzie Rutledge.

Highland FBLA is selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Please see a member or email Mrs Gray to order yours. All orders with payment are due Oct 15. Orders will be delivered Oct 23.

V/JV Softball scheduled for today vs. Palmyra is cancelled and rescheduled for Wednesday Oct. 2. Sr. Night will be held between games