Mrs. Parrish’s eighth grade students building Lego robots in new STEM class at Highland Jr High School! They just started programming them! Can’t wait to see what they can do! So fun!

Highland Alumnus Becca Scott, Taylor Bringer, & Carli Scifres making their collegiate debut at JWCC today. #gocougars

Fourth Grade remember 9/11 today through the reading of "Fourteen Cows for America"

Happy Wednesday all,
This is Mr. Post from HES taking a second to thank ALL LCC-1 bus drivers for all that they do. Several parents contacted me this week with glowing remarks for their driver. These unsung heroes make school possible everyday. Thanks drivers, WE APPRECIATE YOU!

Congratulations to the Highland Cross Country team on their home opener today. Thanks Riverview Golf Club in Canton for hosting the meet & special thanks to Ben Buening and Scott Rutledge for helping with the course. #GoCougars https://mo.milesplit.com/meets/366919/results#

Great win tonight for the Lady Cougar softball team. 9-2 over Centralia.

Congratulations to the Highland Lady Cougar Varsity Softball team on a quality win over Centralia 9-2!! Next up Brookfield at Truman State on Thursday 9/12/19!! GO COUGARS!!

The softball games scheduled for today at Highland vs. Centralia have been moved to Culver Stockton. Varsity will play first starting at 430. GO COUGARS!!

Highland Alumnus Josh French finishes as the top Wildcat runner in Culver-Stockton’s home opening Cross Country Meet today! #GoCougars #CougarPride

Final from Highland, Macon 46 Highland 36!! A hard fought game by both teams!! GO COUGARS!

At the half Highland trails Macon 32-20 in Varsity Football action at Highland!! GO COUGARS!!

Bus 21 Candi Hudson is running approximately 10-15 minutes behind schedule due to mechanical difficulties with her bus.

What happens when HES students earn 300+ complements from staff in the 1st 10 days of school for following school expectations?
PIE FACE CHALLENGE between the principals of course!!! Keep it up HES! #GoCougars

HES is so thankful to have all these awesome individuals as part of our team. Thanks Mrs. Fryer, Mrs. Hagood, & Mr. Huebotter for all that you do!

Good luck to the Highland JH football team as they kick off their season tonight against Monroe City. Kickoff is at 6pm at Highland!! GO COUGARS!!!

Reminder: Tomorrow Thursday 9/5 is picture day at Highland High School. Packets were sent home with students on Friday Aug. 30. Additional packets are available in the HS office.

Good luck to the Highland JV football team as they open their season at Monroe City!! Kickoff is at 6pm!! Due to injuries they will only be playing one half!! GO COUGARS!!

Good luck to the Highland Lady Cougars as they compete in their home opener tonight vs. Bowling Green JV at 5 with Varsity to follow!! GO COUGARS!!

The 2019 season home opener for the Highland Lady Cougar varsity & JV softball teams is tonight versus Bowling Green. The JV team will play at 5PM with varsity to follow.

They Troy Varsity Softball Tournament has been cancelled for today due to wet field conditions.